
Faith Formation Ministries

Baptism Preparation Classes
(Next class: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 4:15 am in the Conference Room)
Baptism preparation classes are available four times a year in January, April, July, and October, for parents who wish to have their child baptized. The classes study the meaning and the rite of baptism for the child, the parents, and the sponsors, setting the foundation for the child’s lifelong commitment to Christ.

Grade School Faith Formation Classes
(Classes will start in the fall.)
During the school year, PreK-5th grade school-aged children attend faith formation classes in the Faith Formation Center at 9:15 am (between the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses). Teachers team teach the same class throughout the school year.

6th grade is now our Confirmation class.

Youth Ministry Classes
(Class will start September 18, 2024.)
7th grade through High School faith formation classes meet in the Faith Formation Center on Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm during the school year. The program is headed by OLV’s youth ministers. The youth groups also participate in a number of activities outside the regular class time at various locations. Confirmation classes are also taught through this ministry.

Service hours at Helena Food Share

Ski trips

Pancake Breakfast fundraisers

Legendary Lodge



And much more!

Ministry Support Opportunities

Liturgical Environment Committee
Liturgical environment planners meet several times through the year to decorate for special liturgies, feast days, and the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter. The group sets up the environment, i.e. hang banners, cover the altar, prepare visuals, etc.

Greeters are ministers of hospitality. They welcome people at the entrance and hand out liturgy sheets. Greeters also hand out bulletins after Mass. The Greeter Schedule is combined with the Eucharistic Minister Schedule (see Eucharistic Ministers below).

Music Musicians help create an atmosphere which enables people to pray. Musicians enjoy praying through music and want to share that joy with the parish community. Musicians attend only the liturgies that fit their schedule.

Altar Servers
Altar Servers carry the cross, hold the book for the celebrant when he is not at the altar, assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, and help the priest and deacon as necessary. Training to serve at Mass is conducted for interested boys and girls starting after their First Communion.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Adult liturgists proclaim and share the Word with children. The children are taken to the Faith Formation Center after the gathering prayer. They hear the same readings as the adults but from the Children’s Lectionary.
The children return to their seats during the offertory.

Lectors have the privilege and responsibility of proclaiming the Scripture to the community. They proclaim the first and second readings at Sunday and feast day liturgies.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers serve the Eucharistic bread and wine to the community. Ministers arrive about 15 minutes before Mass to prepare and stay a few minutes after Mass to wash the vessels. Complete training and an instruction sheet is given to all Eucharistic Ministers.

Social Ministries

Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council meets to develop and organize parish activities that promote our parish family life, our faith, and our fellowship. The Parish Council also helps organize and promote social justice programs and ministries. Members serve two year terms with a maximum of four consecutive years.

Coffee Ministry
Coffee ministers set up the coffee makers to perk away during Mass and then have cups, juice, creamer, and sugar ready so we can meet and greet each other after Mass.

Service Ministries

Funeral Luncheon Committee
This committee provides a wonderful service to family and friends. A luncheon is prepared and served following the funeral Mass. People are needed to organize, shop, donate food, set up, and clean up.

Prayer Line
This ministry prays for the special prayer needs of the parish. Prayer line members are notified of prayer requests by email. Please call the parish office at 406-458-6114.

Hospital Ministry
Members of this ministry brighten the days of folks at Fort Harrison and St. Peter’s Hospitals by visiting and bringing them Eucharist.

Caring Hearts Ministry
Members of this ministry provide companionship, run errands, and bring Eucharist to folks in a care facility, and the same for those living at home, plus daily telephone check-ins, household tasks, light home maintenance, and other requests that may arise.